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Inaugural Meeting of National Special Alloy Steel Industry Technology Innovation Alliance Held


  In March 30, 2016, the inaugural meeting of National Special Alloy Steel Industry Technology Innovation Alliance was held in Beijing.

  National Special Alloy Steel Industry Technology Innovation Alliance was a national-level alliance established under the guidance and specific cultivation of the Ministry of Science and Technology relevant departments, in accordance with the relevant documents of the State Council and the Ministry of Science and Technology(MOST). Its purpose is to improve the combination degree of production, education and research, promote industrial optimization and upgrading, and achieve strategic intention of “strong industry, strong country” through technology innovation.

  Based on the principle of combining production, education and research, led by Xinghua Dongchang Alloy Steel Co., Ltd, Jiangsu United University, Jiangsu Electromechanical Research Institute, North China Electric Powder University, Jiangsu Yinglong Network Technology Co.,Ltd. etc. jointly initiated the alliance and formed three major institutions based on the relevant requirements of MOST for the alliance construction: the alliance decision making body(the standing council), the advisory institution(the expert committee), and the executive agency(the secretariat).

  The alliance foundation marks the alloy industry shift away from the traditional single manufacturing and independent research, towards deep industry-university-research mechanism cooperation technology innovation category. It can be foreseen that in the next 3-5 years, under the promotion of the National Special Alloy Steel Industry Technology Innovation Alliance, special alloy steel will form a groups development trend, realize the transformation and upgrading of the overall industry of alloy steel, promote the successful revolution of the whole industry and realize the Chinese dream based technology dream.